Cruisin’ all winter!

It is probably mostly my fault for not being on top of the whole email/social media game as much as I should but it seems many folk were unaware that we keep cruisin’ all winter long! If you found yourself falling into this category, Thursday is a chance to...

Cruiser Ride now on Final Thursdays!

Due to continued scheduling conflicts with the Bullseye cruiser ride’s genius, humble, mastermind/architect the year’s remaining cruiser rides will be the final Thursday of each month. Otherwise the rides will be just like any other cruiser ride...

Birthday Party tonight! Closed Labor Day!

Hey folks! Don’t forget we’re celebrating our 5th Anniversary tonight around 7PM. Stop on by for some beverages, snacks, loud music, etc. We’ll have some goodies on hand but feel free to bring anything else you’d like! Also, heads up that we...

New Website is live!

Woohoo! Pretty sweet! Bullseye’s got a slick new look. I’ll attempt to integrate our social media into this and hopefully keep this site more updated so check back frequently for exciting new stuff! –Rob