Thursty !WEDNESDAY¡ Cruiser Ride Schedule Change!!! We are moving the ride to October 30th! Test out your costumes a night early and get in the spirit of the season on your bike! Everything ride wise stays the same… 7:00 at Bullseye > Ride leaves at 7:30 >...


Bullseye Thursty Thursday Cruiser Ride for August 29th!  Meet at the shop at 7:00 for a beverage, and we head out around Durham 7:30.  This is a ride for all people, and is a conversationally paced social ride with a BEER focus…  Ride happens EVERY last Thursday...


Every Sunday in Summer/Fall (weather permitting) we meet at Bullseye at 5:00ish and head out at 5:30 to tackle some trails!  Brumley Forest is close so we hit that often.  We try and send out reminders/updates on the Instagram so check us out there too!

1st Cruiser Ride of 2019!

The weather is looking cold but clear for tomorrow’s edition of our monthly cruiser ride. Bundle up, charge your lights and head on down to Bullseye for the most spirited ride in town! If this is your first time joining us here’s the rundown: We...

Cruiser Reminder! 2/22

Well, it’s the middle of winter and its 75 degrees so you better believe we’re cruising! Meet at the shop at 7PM (that’s 2 hours from now) for a 728 departure!